Ralph Moore is rocking my world l
ately. I've just finished "Starting a New Church" and am now diving into "How to Multiply Your Church." To anyone in church ministry, these books are a must read. His down-to-earth writing and communicating style, grounded in experience and sensible Christian living, and his authoritative argument - that church multiplication is the only way we can reach the world - is the message we leaders need today.

Moore ought to know. He has planted over 700 "Hope Chapels" (related to the Four-Square Denomination) around the world, and is recognized as one of the leading church planting practitioners alive today. His home State of Hawaii is the only place in America where church growth is out-pacing population growth! In short, Ralph and some of his Hawaii peers have proven the model works!
Beth and I visited Hope Chapel, his home, in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii in August. We've known Ralph since the early 90s when we lived in Hawaii and worked at Grace Bible Church under Sam Webb and Norman Nakanishi, both friends of the Moore family.
For a quick intro, watch this 2-minute video: